Magical Morgan
Once upon a time, she was King Arthur's sister. Today, she's in a new body with strange powers.
3 book series
Immortal Merlin
Merlin is immortal and waiting in the modern day for King Arthur to return.
8 book series - completed
Depths of Magic
A half-siren trying to forget her terrible past is dragged into solving a mystery for the people she has sworn to leave behind.
3 book series
Nautilus Legends
A bubbly marine biologist and a fixated free diver discover mythical sea creatures.
5 book series
Breenan Series
A young woman discovers her powers and her connection to a mysterious Otherworld.
3 book series - completed
Once upon a time, she was King Arthur's sister. Today, she's in a new body with strange powers.
3 book series
Immortal Merlin
Merlin is immortal and waiting in the modern day for King Arthur to return.
8 book series - completed
Depths of Magic
A half-siren trying to forget her terrible past is dragged into solving a mystery for the people she has sworn to leave behind.
3 book series
Nautilus Legends
A bubbly marine biologist and a fixated free diver discover mythical sea creatures.
5 book series
Breenan Series
A young woman discovers her powers and her connection to a mysterious Otherworld.
3 book series - completed